Thursday 11 April 2013

Announcing the arrival of DE MAMIEL at Pixie!

We are very excited to announce the arrival of the fabulous de Mamiel products at Pixie - promoting beautiful skin through balance and harmony.

de Mamiel was started in 2010 by its namesake, Annee de Mamiel. Fourteen years ago, Annee was diagnosed with cancer. What followed has been a journey culminating in an award winning business that has won facial oil, skincare and anti-aging accolades. The products are so in demand that Richard Branson has taken it on at Virgin Airlines-aiding traveller's recoveries after a long journey.

Altitude Oil £22 - This is the ultimate multi-tasking travel aide. Everything it needs to be to support and protect the immune system and keep a clear head whilst on a flight, public transport, or when you're feeling a little run down.


Spring Facial Oil £60 - This helps to negate the disruption the changing season can trigger, by boosting circulation, normalising sebum, soothing sensitivity and nourishing patches of dryness, for glowing skin that radiates health.

Contemplation Tea £15-  A restorative and uplifting organic tea that encourages relaxation with renewed vitality in winter and throughout the year. Soothes a tired body and mind, and refreshes flagging spirits when you are in need of rest and replenishment.

And Vitality Tea £15 - An invigorating organic tea that paves the way for new growth and fresh ideas in Spring and throughout the year. Helps cleanse the body and release feelings of lethargy and sluggishness to allow space for a fresh start.


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